Fluffy, buttery, cheesy goodness with no carbs?! What?! I had heard rumors about this magical rainbow unicorn situation and finally decided to try it for myself. I am thoroughly delighted with the results, and you will be too. It is 15 minutes to easy cheesy goodness! Yes, there is some butter, but let’s face it, if you had made mashed potatoes you would be eating at least this much butter and probably more (and it makes a LOT so you will not be eating the whole thing yourself in one sitting… we tried.. it doesn’t seem possible). Does it taste like cauliflower? Yes, a little bit, but not overwhelmingly. You will almost believe it’s mashed potatoes, really! I may bust this out at Thanksgiving. Hmmm *tenting fingers*. Continue reading
baked eggs with pesto and parmesan
Want to impress your friends (or just yourself) with a fun and glamorous brunch dish, such as a perfectly cooked egg nestled in a little cup with a hint of basil, garlic, and parmesan? Secretly, it’s super duper easy. Presentation is easy since hello, ramekins! Those are little dishes that can go in the oven – you’ll need one per egg. Don’t worry, ramekins aren’t a one-use wonder – you can use them for all sorts of things since they can double as a small container for pretty much anything. Also, I had never made anything in a water bath before – and I’m here to testify it’s a lot easier than it seems. It’s a method used to make custards and puddings as well – it protects the little guys from dry heat that might be too harsh for their delicate and small contents – and it was perfectly easy. Continue reading
slow-cooked vaquero beans with onion, garlic, and oregano
Did you know you can use the slow cooker to turn dried beans into perfectly cooked beany goodness? No pre-soaking necessary! Really: ANY BEANS. That being said, the best dried beans come from Rancho Gordo. (Also they have awesome popcorn if you want to make this.) I used their Vaquero beans for this recipe (aren’t they cool looking?) and honestly every single bean in that bag is so good. Yum! Also… bonus side effect… your home will smell really good as these beans are cooking. (And how to put this delicately… your home can continue to smell good thanks to the geniuses at Beano. Check it out. Thank me later.) Continue reading
mushrooms with garlic, lemon and oregano
It’s becoming apparent that I like mushrooms, isn’t it? I mean, we have already done mushrooms in Spanish sherry and we are just getting to know each other. But every now and then you discover the mushrooms you meant to use earlier in the week in the back of your fridge, and you say to yourself in a tragic tone, “Oh no, what shall I do with these now?!” Options are a wonderful thing. Continue reading